
Since we are all citizens of the world, the project aims to share with every one of us -regardless of our nationality- the exquisite potential of contemporary Latin American artists, as well as the millenarian wisdom and craftsmanship that influences their work.

Latin American


unveiled in an unique way

UNNO launches the first Latin American digital gallery —founded in 2019— enabled by the kaleidoscopic synergy of Maria Dolores Uribe and Laura Abe Vettoretti, their founders- brings to life a new way of presenting art and design, devoid of any physical exhibition space and, thus, within the reach of every city and country around the world: a globalized notion of design, capable of crossing geographic and individual boundaries.


"The pieces that occupy this digital space which is devoted to art will always pay homage to the sacred origins envisioned by our forefathers and embody the core aspect that amalgamates our different styles."